Catherine McKenzie was born and raised in Montreal, Canada. A graduate of McGill in History and Law, Catherine practiced law for twenty years before leaving the practice to write full time. An avid runner, skier and tennis player, she’s the author of numerous bestsellers including HIDDEN, FRACTURED, THE GOOD LIAR and I’LL NEVER TELL. Her works have been translated into multiple languages and THE GOOD LIAR, YOU CAN’T CATCH ME and I’LL NEVER TELL have all been optioned for development into television series.
Want to keep up on all things Catherine then check out her website or follow her on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.
What does your writing space look like?
I kind of write everywhere but I have an office in our basement. Bookshelves, boxes of books, a desk!
If you could spend a day with another popular author (living or dead), who would you choose and why?
I’d love to meet LM Montgomery. She had such an interesting life and also a bit tragic. Her diaries are so explicit and awesome.
How do you celebrate when you finish your book?
I don’t have a set process, but it’s always good to hang with friends, have a nice dinner.
Is there something you do/have while writing that helps your process? (Music, snacks, etc.)
I always write to music or with the TV on.
What book are you currently reading?
Book Lovers by Emily Henry.