Review By Gabrielle
Get ready to laugh along with Blurp!
Goodreads Synopsis:
When etiquette coach Ms. Picklepop teeters off her stool and spills a bucket of paint, a creature emerges. Not a scary one, or an evil one, or anything of the sort. Instead, what comes alive is …
She’ll have to carry on with her lesson, despite Blurp’s many, messy distractions. But paint splotches and burps aren’t all that disrupt Ms. Picklepop’s decorous class. Perhaps through an unlikely friendship, Ms. Picklepop will learn a thing or two about manners herself.
Kids and adults alike will get a giggle out of this delightful book about manners. While Ms. Picklepop tries valiantly to continue her lesson on etiquette, Blurp disrupts her with all manner of shenanigans.
My favourite thing about this book is the twist that turns the “expert” Ms. Picklepop into the learner as she discovers that empathy and friendship are just as important as decorum.
I am head over heels in love with the illustrations in this book. Cindy’s style incorporates realistic photographic pictures with looser, colourful illustrations that suit the story and feel fresh, contemporary and fun.
Blurp’s Book of Manners is a funny and heartwarming story you’ll read again and again.